Sunday, July 15, 2007

planet of the steadily evolving humanoids

last night i took a piece of paper and i wrote:

"I don't like apes. I think that maybe in millions of years they will be almost human, but not as mentally involved, a lower "caste" of society. Humans will probably use the sub-human used-to-be-apes for slave labor. "

this was scrawled over two pages of my notebook, a message to my roommates of something i could not properly express orally at the time.

It's just inevitable really, once they pass a certain threshhold of intelligence they won't used simply for human amusement and experimentation.. They will be sub-human workers valued for their opposable thumbs. Apes have stronger forearm muscles than we do. I'm sure there is a chance they would overthrow us, or at least have several bloody revolts. At this point humans will have evolved further as well, unless of course, we're de-evolving and the monkeys are really our replacements....

I thought of this theory after spending the afternoon watching nature documentaries about apes, and as I watched them cuddle their children and groom and take part in *almost* if not human behaviors I started to get very afraid...angry at the apes.

Of course, it was that same attitude that would later lead to our systematic enslavement and domination of future apes.

"God guys," I said to my roommates "I wonder what its like to sit around all day and be almost intelligent?"

I hate apes.

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